How to Reduce Dark Eye Circles and Improve Your Complexion

Usually, women and young girls face the problem of dark eye circles; basically, it is dark pigmentation present under lower eyelid makes you appear old than actually, you are. Dark eye circle affects the beauty of a person and usually, everyone facing it wants to get rid of it due to cosmetic reasons. Presence of dark eye circle indicates that you need lifestyle changes, there can be several reasons that results in dark eye circle as mentioned below:-

·         Poor sleeping patterns like oversleeping or lack of sleep restrain your body and skin to heal resulting in the information of dark tissues and blood vessels underneath your skin to visually appear.

·         Any kind of skin allergy can cause a dark circle.

·         The excessive production of melanin in the body results in hyperpigmentation that can cause dark eye circles.

·         Dark eye circles can be a result of a lack of fatty tissue around the eyes.

·         The deficiency of iron

·          Excessive load on eyes like the frequent rubbing of the eyes, overstraining eyes in front of screen desktop, TV or mobile strain can cause enlargement of blood vessels around your eyes.

·         Aging causes darkening of the skin under eyes, with aging the skin tends to become thin due to collagen and fat loss-making dark eye circle more visible with bags.

·         Poor health and lifestyle like smoking, inherited genes, thyroid conditions, dehydration, dermatitis all of them can lead to the development of the dark eye circle.

There are many things that you can do at home to treat dark eye circles like improve your lifestyle and switch to a healthy lifestyle like eating fresh fruits veggies, nuts, omega-3 fatty acids, exercise, taking ample 7-8 hours of sleep.

An effective and permanent way to get rid of a permanent solution is taking medical dark eye circle treatment from a professional and well-qualified skin specialist near you. Under medical treatment chemical peels are used to reduce pigmentation, skin can be resurfaced and skin under eyes can be tighten using laser surgery. Also, treatments like medical tattoos can eliminate dark eye circles. So the treatment depends upon person to person depending upon the medical conditions of the person, discuss your options with a doctor.


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